~el8 mag #3 - In this issue: pr0jekt m4yh3m, Know Your WhiteHat Enemy, zeroday screen exploit, lyfestylez of the owned and lamest with pm, jobe, and aempirei, muz1k in the undergr0und, defacements of the milenium, ~el8 hitlist tools, bronc buster busted, lcamtuff helps ~el8, phrack staff demystified, gobble blaster, and much more.
~el8 mag #2 - In this issue: ADM 0day w4r3z 4 tr4de, solaris h4ckr LKM, local cron exploit (dcron), private TESO press statement software (leaked), and much more.
~el8 issue 1 - In this issue: H/P trading cards, hp2.adv info, identdkill, testsyscall, rm -rf / shellcode, the unix virus childrens manual, super code ripping contest, a mail bomber, and much more.
~el8 Issue 0 - Contains px25 Network Primer, zgv exploit, AlphaSort, UDP vs TCP, Anarchist Code Kit, matrix.c, and the w00raw Packet maker.
Shellgen.c, a shellcode generator by Mixter, has an exploitable buffer overflow. Advisory and exploit included.