~el8 mag #3 - In this issue: pr0jekt m4yh3m, Know Your WhiteHat Enemy, zeroday screen exploit, lyfestylez of the owned and lamest with pm, jobe, and aempirei, muz1k in the undergr0und, defacements of the milenium, ~el8 hitlist tools, bronc buster busted, lcamtuff helps ~el8, phrack staff demystified, gobble blaster, and much more.
~el8 mag #2 - In this issue: ADM 0day w4r3z 4 tr4de, solaris h4ckr LKM, local cron exploit (dcron), private TESO press statement software (leaked), and much more.
An ARP packet generator for Unix designed to illustrate ARP protocol flaws and applications such as ARP cache poisoning. or MAC spoofing. It gives complete control of link and network level data. See arp-sk.org for further information.
THC Flood Connect is a connection flooding tool which supports SSL, sending + dumping data, closing or keeping sessions etc. Just a small release.
Keke is a mail bomber intended for testing your mail server. KeKe has the ability to use full cpu usage as well as full connection.