ZeroNights 2021 CFP is OPEN: Offensive and defensive research (15/30/45min). Submit your talk! # About conference Place: Saint-Petersburg, Russia Date: 30 June Timeslots: 15/30/45 min Site: # CFP Timeline CFP start: 1 March CFP end: 15 May CFP page: # Conditions: A speaker may deliver either a long or a short talk. The terms and conditions for each of the options are listed below. Long or medium talk: A speaker is entitled to deliver his/her talk (30/45 minutes) and is granted 5 minutes to answer listeners’ questions in one of the two conference halls. Transport costs (travel to St. Petersburg and back, economy class) and one night in a hotel close to the venue are reimbursed to speakers. The reimbursement cannot exceed 1000 USD. All the additional terms and conditions are discussed individually. Every speaker will receive an honorarium of 1000 USD for exclusive 45min offensive research. Short talk: A speaker is entitled to deliver his/her talk (15 minutes) and is granted 3 minutes to answer listeners’ questions in one of the two conference halls. Transport costs (travel to St. Petersburg and back, economy class) are reimbursed to speakers. The reimbursement cannot exceed 100 USD. All the additional terms and conditions are discussed individually. The preference is given to offline talks. # CFP committee: Alexander ‘Solar Designer’ Peslyak, Openwall Alexander Matrosov, NVidia Dmitry Oleksiuk, Independent Security Researcher Dmitriy Evdokimov, ZeroNights Alexander Gantman, QualComm Nikita Abdullin, DCG7812 community Alexey Sintsov, HERE Eldar Zaitov, Yandex Andrey Labunets, binarly Michael Markevich, Opera Software Vladimir ‘ЗАРАЗА‘ Dubrovin, MailRu Group Taras Ivashchenko, OZON Fyodor Yarochkin, Trend Micro Eugene Rodionov, Google Sergey Belov, DCG7812 community Anton ‘Bo0oM‘ Lopanitsyn, Independent Security Researcher Max Moroz, ByteDance # Code of Conduct Please check our Code of Conduct here: