133 bytes small Windows/x86 kernel32 base address / memory sieve method shellcode.
458 bytes small Windows/x86 download file and execute dynamic PEB and EDT method shellcode.
Windows/x86 bind TCP shellcode / dynamic PEB and EDT method null-free shellcode. This a bind tcp shellcode that open a listen socket on and port 1337. In order to accomplish this task the shellcode uses the PEB method to locate the baseAddress of the required module and the Export Directory Table to locate symbols. Also the shellcode uses a hash function to gather dynamically the required symbols without worry about the length.
178 bytes small Windows/x86 shellcode that pops calc.exe. The shellcode uses the PEB method to locate the baseAddress of the required module and the Export Directory Table to locate symbols. It also uses a hash function to dynamically gather the required symbols without worry about the length. Finally, the shellcode pops the calc.exe using WinExec and exits gracefully using TerminateProcess.
330 bytes small Windows/x86 reverse TCP shellcode that connects to
Linux/x86 egghunter reverse TCP shell shellcode generator with dynamic IP and port.
86 bytes small Linux/x86 reverse TCP shell with dynamic IP and port binding shellcode.
102 bytes small Linux/x86 bindshell shellcode with dynamic port binding.
Linux/x86 custom shellcode ASCII And-Sub encoder.
70 bytes small Linux/x86 shellcode with XOR decoder stub and fstenv MMX FPU spawning a /bin/sh shell.
29 bytes small Linux/x86 shellcode that performs setreuid to 0 and then executes /bin/sh.
655 bytes small 64-bit Windows 10 shellcode that injects all processes with Meterpreter reverse shells.
205 bytes small 64-bit Windows 10 shellcode that dynamically resolves the base address of kernel32.dll via PEB and ExportTable method. It contains no null bytes (0x00), and therefore will not crash if injected into typical stack buffer overflow vulnerabilities.
387 bytes small 64-bit Windows 10 shellcode that adds user BOKU:SP3C1ALM0V3 to the system and the localgroups. Shellcode must be executed from a process with either a HIGH or SYSTEM integrity level.
17 bytes small Linux/x86 execve(/bin/sh) shellcode.
21 bytes small Linux/x64 execve(/bin/sh) shellcode.
This Metasploit module exploits an issue in Google Chrome versions before 87.0.4280.88 (64 bit). The exploit makes use of an integer overflow in the SimplifiedLowering phase in turbofan. It is used along with a typer hardening bypass using ArrayPrototypeShift to create a JSArray with a length of -1. This is abused to gain arbitrary read/write into the isolate region. Then an ArrayBuffer can be used to achieve absolute arbitrary read/write. The exploit then uses WebAssembly in order to allocate a region of RWX memory, which is then replaced with the payload shellcode. The payload is executed within the sandboxed renderer process, the browser must be run with the --no-sandbox option for the payload to work correctly.
240 bytes small Windows/x86 add user Alfred to administrators/remote desktop users group shellcode.
66 bytes small Linux/x64 execve "cat /etc/shadow" shellcode.
142 bytes small Linux/x64 shellcode that binds a password protected shell to TCP
143 bytes small Windows/x86 stager generic MSHTA shellcode.
113 bytes small Linux/x86 Socat bind shellcode.
123 bytes small Linux/x64 reverse shell shellcode that connects to TCP/
65 bytes small Linux/x86 bindshell shellcode that binds /bin/sh to TCP/
This Metasploit module exploit BITS behavior which tries to connect to the local Windows Remote Management server (WinRM) every times it starts. The module launches a fake WinRM server which listen on port 5985 and triggers BITS. When BITS starts, it tries to authenticate to the Rogue WinRM server, which allows to steal a SYSTEM token. This token is then used to launch a new process as SYSTEM user. In the case of this exploit, notepad.exe is launched as SYSTEM. Then, it writes shellcode in its previous memory space and trigger its execution. As this exploit uses reflective dll injection, it does not write any file on the disk. Vulnerable operating systems are Windows 10 and Windows servers where WinRM is not running. Lab experiments has shown that Windows 7 does not exhibit the vulnerable behavior.