Simple pipe driven utility for creating c-style char decs from binary input. Can be of use for embedding shellcode etc in c sourcefiles.
* [cdump 0.1 by PoWeR_PoRK of netric (]
* Simple pipe driven utility for creating c-style char decs from binary
* input. Can be of use for embedding shellcode etc in c sourcefiles.
* Do "./shdump -h" for a usage overview.
#include <stdio.h>
char usage[] =
"Usage: ./cdump [-h][-n <var name>][-u][-s <linesize>][-c [-cu]]\n"
"Pipe driven utility for coverting binary data to c char declaration.\n"
"Example: cat binfile | ./shdump -u -s 20 >> bin.c\n"
"This adds the contents of binfile to bin.c in char declaration format\n\n"
"-h <var name> See this usage overview\n"
"-n Name of the char identifier (maxsize=30, default=foobar)\n"
"-u Set this to uppercase the hex output\n"
"-s <linesize> Set the maximum line size per byte input (default=10)\n"
"-c Comment the byte offsets into the output\n"
"-cu Set this to uppercase hex chars in byte offset comment\n";
int main(int argc, char **argv[])
int i = -2,oldi, lsize = 10, ucase = 0, npar = 1, cc = 1, cmt = 0, cucase = 0;
unsigned long place = 0;
char c, vname[31];
vname[30] = 0;
strncpy(&vname, "foobar", 30);
if(argc > 1){
if(!strncmp(argv[1], "-h", 2)){
printf("%s", &usage);
while(npar <= 5 && npar <= (argc - 1)){
if(!strncmp(argv[npar], "-n", 2)){
strncpy(&vname, argv[npar+1], 30);
}else if(!strncmp(argv[npar], "-u", 2)){
ucase = 1;
}else if(!strncmp(argv[npar], "-s", 2)){
lsize = atoi(argv[npar+1]);
}else if(!strncmp(argv[npar], "-c", 2)){
cmt = 1;
if(npar <= (argc - 1)){
if(!strncmp(argv[npar], "-cu", 3)){
cucase = 1;
npar = argc;
if(strchr((char *)&vname, 37) != NULL){
printf("Cheeky Bastard! :P (fmt exploitation not allowed)\n");
oldi = getchar();
printf("char %s =\n/* 0000:0000 */ \"", (char *)&vname);
while(oldi != EOF )
if( ucase == 0 ){
printf("\\x%.2x", oldi);
}else if( ucase == 1 ){
printf("\\x%.2X", oldi);
if(cc >= lsize){
if(cmt == 1){
place += cc;
if(cucase == 1){
printf("\"\n/* %.4X:%.4X */ ", *((unsigned short *)&place + 1), *((unsigned short *)&place));
printf("\"\n/* %.4x:%.4x */ ", *((unsigned short *)&place + 1), *((unsigned short *)&place));
cc = 0;
oldi = getchar();
return 0;