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Posted Nov 4, 2003
Authored by Crowley | Site kiwi-hacker.net

Scanner for ms03-043, the Microsoft Messenger Service vulnerability.

tags | tool, scanner
systems | unix
SHA-256 | 8c31beb139dbb7a4b26697ac16407003f2aa8462d7112b9cf3fb306b361d4578


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linux scanner for messenger service vulnerability (MS03-043)

By: Crowley @ kiwi-hacker.net

Tested against: w2k sp2/3/4, xp sp1

I know the code's a bit messy but it does what I wanted it to.


~~~~ Big hello to the guys at wolfgaming.net ~~~~

Based on work by the below, all kudos to them;
Doke Scott, doke at udel.edu, 10 Sep 2003
and their work based on work by: buildtheb0x presents : msgr/rpc scanner by: kid and farp

venom@gen-x.co.nz and his work based on Hanabishi Recca - recca@mail.ru

doscan by Florian Weimer

CDE 1.1: Remote Procedure Call - The Open Group

packet sniffs on IIS scanmsgr.exe

Results in a packet like this returned;

760.611604 x.x.x.69 -> x.x.x.254 DCERPC Fault: seq_num: 1189303165: status: Unknown (0x000006f7)

0000 00 08 c7 85 ca d8 00 00 0e fd 05 31 08 00 45 00 ...........1..E.
0010 00 70 00 49 00 00 80 11 d6 b4 xx xx xx 45 xx xx .p.I.........E..
0020 xx fe 04 02 aa f9 00 5c d5 5e 04 03 00 00 10 00 .......\.^......
0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0040 00 00 f8 91 7b 5a 00 ff d0 11 a9 b2 00 c0 4f b6 ....{Z........O.
0050 e6 fc 7d 53 e3 46 6b 69 77 69 2d 68 61 63 6b 65 ..}S.Fkiwi-hacke
0060 72 21 d6 94 a3 3f 01 00 00 00 7d 53 e3 46 00 00 r!...?....}S.F..
0070 ff ff 57 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 f7 06 00 00 ..W...........

f7 06 00 00 => 0x000006f7 shows that its not patched


#define d_msgr_scan_timeout 5 // max seconds for individual msgr scan

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>

#define null NULL

// for sun spro cc wierdness? seg faults without this
#define my_inet_ntoa(ip) inet_ntoa( *( (struct in_addr *) &ip ) )

#define RPC_REQUEST 0x00

typedef struct UUID
{ unsigned long Data1;
unsigned short Data2;
unsigned short Data3;
unsigned short Data4; // added a short to make up the UUID in the xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx
-xxxx-xxxxxx format
unsigned char Data5[6];
} uuid_t;

// Here's the connectionless rpc pdu header. (taken from DaveK'sallchin.cpp) cheers matey
typedef struct dc_rpc_cl_pkt_hdr {
unsigned char rpc_vers; // = 4; /* RPC protocol major version (4 LSB only)*/
unsigned char ptype; /* Packet type (5 LSB only) */
unsigned char flags1; /* Packet flags */
unsigned char flags2; /* Packet flags */
char drep[3]; /* Data representation format label */
unsigned char serial_hi; /* High char of serial number */
uuid_t object; /* Object identifier */
uuid_t if_id; /* Interface identifier */
uuid_t act_id; /* Activity identifier */
unsigned long server_boot; /* Server boot time */
unsigned long if_vers; /* Interface version */
unsigned long seqnum; /* Sequence number */
unsigned short opnum; /* Operation number */
unsigned short ihint; /* Interface hint */
unsigned short ahint; /* Activity hint */
unsigned short len; /* Length of packet body */
unsigned short fragnum; /* Fragment number */
unsigned char auth_proto; /* Authentication protocol identifier*/
unsigned char serial_lo; /* Low char of serial number */
} dc_rpc_cl_pkt_hdr_t;

typedef struct dce_param {
unsigned long size1; // things like from name etc.
unsigned long undef; // always 0x00000000 ?
unsigned long size2; // same as param_size1
unsigned char buffer[];
} dce_param_t;

static char *program_name;
static int verbose = 0;
int msgr_scan_timeout = d_msgr_scan_timeout;
volatile int timed_out = 0;
volatile int msgrsockfd = 0;

extern char *optarg;
extern int optind, opterr, optopt;

#define DEST_PORT 135
#define SOURCE_PORT 43769

static char sourcename[] = "kh-03-11-03\x00";
static char destname[] = "ms03-043scanner\x00";

print_hex( unsigned char *data, int len ) {
// pretty print some buffer in readable hex and ascii
int i, j;
char alphastr[ 17 ];

for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++ ) {
if ( j == 0 ) {
alphastr[ j ] = isprint( data[i] ) ? data[i] : '.';
printf( "%04x %02x", i, data[ i ] & 0xff );
else if ( j == 15 ) {
alphastr[ j ] = isprint( data[i] ) ? data[i] : '.';
alphastr[ j + 1 ] = 0;
printf( " %02x %s\n", data[ i ] & 0xff, alphastr );
j = -1;
else {
alphastr[ j ] = isprint( data[i] ) ? data[i] : '.';
printf( " %02x", data[ i ] & 0xff );
if ( j ) {
alphastr[ j + 1 ] = 0;
for ( ; j < 16; j++ )
printf( " " );
printf( " %s\n", alphastr );

timeout_handler( int info ) {
//fprintf( stderr, "timed out\n" );
if ( msgrsockfd )
close( msgrsockfd ); // have to close it here to abort the connect
timed_out = 1;

// send a packet, and get response
// return length of received data, or -1 on error
exchange_packets( int pktnum, uint32_t ip, int fd, struct sockaddr_in*
destaddr, unsigned char *req,
int reqlen, unsigned char *resp, int resplen ) {
int len;

if ( verbose > 1 )
printf( "Sending packet %d\n", pktnum );

if(sendto(msgrsockfd, req, reqlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)destaddr ,sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) {
close( msgrsockfd );
alarm( 0 );
if ( timed_out )
printf( "timed out while sending packet %d to %s\n",
pktnum, my_inet_ntoa( ip ) );
fprintf( stderr, "error sending packet %d to %s\n",
pktnum, my_inet_ntoa( ip ) );
return -1;

if ( ( len = recv( msgrsockfd, resp, resplen, 0 ) ) < 0 ) {
close( msgrsockfd );
alarm( 0 );
if ( timed_out )
//printf( "timed out while receiving packet %d from %s\n",
// pktnum, my_inet_ntoa( ip ) );
return -2;
fprintf( stderr, "error receiving packet %d from %s\n",
pktnum, my_inet_ntoa( ip ) );
return -1;
return len;

msgr_scan( uint32_t ip ) {
struct sockaddr_in dest_addr; /* hold dest addy */
unsigned char resp1[1600]; // just over single pkt size on ethernet
int len1;
int ret_code = 0;
int i;

if ( verbose > 1 )
printf( "scanning %s\n", my_inet_ntoa( ip ) );

timed_out = 0;
signal( SIGALRM, timeout_handler );
alarm( msgr_scan_timeout );

msgrsockfd = 0;
if((msgrsockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) { // now we are using UDP
alarm( 0 );
if ( timed_out ) {
if ( verbose )
printf( "%s timed out while getting socket\n",
my_inet_ntoa( ip ) );
fprintf( stderr, "error getting socket: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
return 255;

// setup UDP listening port
struct sockaddr_in my_addr;

// set content of struct saddr to zero to be safe
memset(&my_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

my_addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
my_addr.sin_port = htons( SOURCE_PORT ); // listen here
my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); // bind socket to any interface

int status=bind(msgrsockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&my_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );
if (status) {
fprintf(stderr,"Can't bind socket\n");

bzero( &dest_addr, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in ) );
dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
dest_addr.sin_port = htons(DEST_PORT);
dest_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;

if ( verbose > 1 ) printf("Connecting to %s\n", my_inet_ntoa( ip ) );

// make up a packet sequence number
unsigned long sequence_number = rand();

unsigned char *messenger;

// get some memory for the pkt
messenger = (char *) malloc(1521);
if (!messenger) {
fprintf(stderr, "cant malloc mem for pkt buffer\n");

// copy our struct over the buffer
struct dc_rpc_cl_pkt_hdr *rpc_connless_pkt = (struct dc_rpc_cl_pkt_hdr *) messenger;
* Why do it this way? well at least you know what's going on, and doesn't it look better
* than some hex string. Plus it's easier to change the fields here than in a hex string.
rpc_connless_pkt->rpc_vers = 4;
rpc_connless_pkt->ptype = RPC_REQUEST;
rpc_connless_pkt->flags1 = 0x28;
rpc_connless_pkt->flags2 = 0;
memcpy (rpc_connless_pkt->drep, "\x10\x00\x00",3);
rpc_connless_pkt->serial_hi = 0;

rpc_connless_pkt->object.Data1 = 0;
rpc_connless_pkt->object.Data2 = 0;
rpc_connless_pkt->object.Data3 = 0;
rpc_connless_pkt->object.Data4 = 0;
memcpy (rpc_connless_pkt->object.Data5, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00",6);

rpc_connless_pkt->if_id.Data1 = 0x5a7b91f8;
rpc_connless_pkt->if_id.Data2 = 0xff00;
rpc_connless_pkt->if_id.Data3 = 0x11d0;
rpc_connless_pkt->if_id.Data4 = 0xb2a9;
memcpy (rpc_connless_pkt->if_id.Data5, "\x00\xc0\x4f\xb6\xe6\xfc",6);

// change this UUID each time or we timeout sometimes
rpc_connless_pkt->act_id.Data1 = sequence_number;
rpc_connless_pkt->act_id.Data2 = 0x696b;
rpc_connless_pkt->act_id.Data3 = 0x6977;
rpc_connless_pkt->act_id.Data4 = 0x682d;
memcpy (rpc_connless_pkt->act_id.Data5, "\x61\x63\x6b\x65\x72\x21",6);

rpc_connless_pkt->server_boot = 0;
rpc_connless_pkt->if_vers = 1;
rpc_connless_pkt->seqnum = sequence_number;
rpc_connless_pkt->opnum = 0;
rpc_connless_pkt->ihint = 0xffff;
rpc_connless_pkt->ahint = 0xffff;
//rpc_connless_pkt->len = 0xFF; // done later
rpc_connless_pkt->fragnum = 0;
rpc_connless_pkt->auth_proto = 0;
rpc_connless_pkt->serial_lo = 0;

* This is the REAL request to the messenger service, I cant find any reference to it on the w
* of hos these 3 parameters work together to show that the machine hasn't been patched.
* This is just from how the packets look in tethereal when I ran various scanners.

// copy our params into the buffer
struct dce_param *psender_name = (struct dce_param *) (messenger + sizeof(struct dc_rpc_cl_pkt

psender_name->size1 = sizeof(sourcename);
psender_name->undef = 0;
psender_name->size2 = sizeof(sourcename);
memcpy (psender_name->buffer, sourcename ,15);

struct dce_param *pmsgr = (struct dce_param *) (messenger
+ sizeof(struct dc_rpc_cl_pkt_hdr)
+ sizeof(struct dce_param)
+ sizeof(sourcename));

pmsgr->size1 = 1;
pmsgr->undef = 0;
pmsgr->size2 = 1;
memcpy (pmsgr->buffer, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" ,4);

struct dce_param *pdest_name = (struct dce_param *) (messenger
+ sizeof(struct dc_rpc_cl_pkt_hdr)
+ sizeof(struct dce_param)
+ sizeof(sourcename)
+ sizeof(struct dce_param)
+ 4); // unsigned long = 0x0

pdest_name->size1 = sizeof(destname);
pdest_name->undef = 0;
pdest_name->size2 = sizeof(destname);
memcpy (pdest_name->buffer, destname ,sizeof(destname));

unsigned int dce_param_pkt_len = sizeof(struct dce_param)
+ sizeof(sourcename)
+ sizeof(struct dce_param)
+ 4
+ sizeof(struct dce_param)
+ sizeof(destname);

// how big is the pkt we need to send.
unsigned int pkt_len = sizeof(dc_rpc_cl_pkt_hdr_t) + dce_param_pkt_len;

// how big is the rpc data, NOT the whole packet.
rpc_connless_pkt->len = dce_param_pkt_len -1 ;

len1 = exchange_packets( 1, ip, msgrsockfd, &dest_addr, messenger,pkt_len,resp1, sizeof( resp1
) );

if ( len1 == -1 ) return 255;

if ( len1 == -2 ) {
if (verbose) printf("%s Timeout or not vunerable\n", my_inet_ntoa( ip ));
return 255;

// we've finished with that pkt, throw it away

// do something with the dce response
unsigned long dce_ret_code = *((unsigned long *)&resp1[len1 - 4]);

switch (dce_ret_code) {
case 0x1c010003:
//"The server does not export the requested interface" patched?
printf("%s is patched.\n", my_inet_ntoa( ip ),dce_ret_code);
case 0x000006f7:
// Ah ha, hack me now
printf("%s Vunerable to MS03-043 exploit.\n", my_inet_ntoa( ip ));
// unknown so print packet
printf("UNKNOWN response from %s\n", my_inet_ntoa( ip ));

// tidy up
shutdown(msgrsockfd,2); // stop using socket
close(msgrsockfd); // release it

return ret_code;

usage( int rc ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-vqh] [ -t timeout ] <ip address>\n"
" %s [-vqh] [ -t timeout ] <ip address>/<cidr-bits>\n"
" -v increase verbosity\n"
" -q quiet, no output, just exit status\n"
" -t n set scan timeout to n seconds, default %d\n"
" -h this help\n"
" when scanning one ip, exits with:\n"
" 0 not vulnerable\n"
" 1 does not accept DCE RPC protocol (connection refused)\n"
" 2 no response (filtering msgr port, or not there)\n"
" 3 vulnerable to msgr 1 and msgr2\n"
" 4 vulnerable to msgr 2 (but patched for msgr1)\n"
" 255 can't tell for some other reason\n"
" when scanning an ip range, exits with:\n"
" 0 nothing was vulnerable\n"
" 4 one or more were vunerable\n",
program_name, program_name, d_msgr_scan_timeout );
exit( rc );

main( int argc, char **argv ) {
int a, b, c, d, bits;
unsigned int mask, low, high, ip, netip;
int rc = 0, r;

program_name = argv[0];

verbose = 0; // turn on basic prints in scan function
msgr_scan_timeout = d_msgr_scan_timeout;

while ( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "vqt:h" ) ) >= 0 ) {
switch ( c ) {
case 'v':
case 'q':
verbose = 0;
case 't':
msgr_scan_timeout = atoi( optarg );
case 'h':
usage( 0 );
usage( -1 );

if ( optind >= argc || ! argv[ optind ] )
usage( -1 );

rc = sscanf( argv[ optind ], "%d.%d.%d.%d/%d", &a, &b, &c, &d, &bits );
if ( rc == 5 ) {
// scan range
if ( bits < 0 || 32 < bits )
usage( -1 );
rc = 0;
mask = 0xffffffff << ( 32 - bits );
low = ( a << 24 | b << 16 | c << 8 | d ) & mask;
high = low | ~ mask;
for ( ip = low + 1; ip < high; ip++ ) {
netip = htonl( ip );
// could 'fork' these off for a faster scan but I havent the time ;-)
r = msgr_scan( netip );
if ( r == 3 || r == 4 )
rc = 4;
else if ( rc == 4 ) {
// scan 1 ip
inet_pton( AF_INET, argv[ optind ], (struct in_addr *) &netip
rc = msgr_scan( netip );
usage( -1 );

return rc;

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