Deep Freeze 4.20 is susceptible to a denial of service attack.
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2M ;. MMMH C:\> Deep Freeze (Hyper Technologies)
7M . ,oAMMMRZ22, ZEMH C:\> credits:
;M .8bAb, .7@MMMMMMMMM@8; ;bHo. C:\> Trespasser -
,uU: ;bMUo. 7MMMMMMMMMMMMMH8 3MM7. C:\> Severity : Low
Ho. :UU@Eu. 7o: 7MMMMNEMNNMMMMMM 7EM@o C:\> frzstate.exe
;U2 .2AHME;. ,ZRRRNMHR,. ;MMMHEAHEEMMMMMN ,uMM3 C:\> Description: frzstate.exe password dialog vuln.
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Deep Freeze is software that prevents changes to the settings of Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP computers by unauthorized users. If an unauthorized change is made (software added, or files saved) the system will be restored to its original configuration the next time the computer is restarted (every 24 hours by default).
There are special measures required to operate and manage a Deep Freeze - enabled computer. Users are not able to install software or change system settings without first disabling Deep Freeze. Once the new software has been installed or system settings have been changed, the computer must be re-enabled to "freeze" the new settings and protect the computer again.
On Windows 2000/XP DeepFreeze consists of several important files:
DepFrzLo.sys (kernel driver)
DepFrzHi.sys (filesystem driver)
dfserv.exe (service)
frzstate.exe (password dialog)
persis00.sys (password file and "on/off switch")
The problem exists in the frzstate.exe process . If provided a long string the frzstate.exe causes an Access Violation Error which crashes the process . This was tested on Windows XP running Deep Freeze version 4.20 .
Example : open the password dialog box (hold shift and double-click on the DF tray icon), after that type in a string like:
Press OK -> frzstate.exe crashes